Our world has changed and what we knew to be normal seems like the distant past. We are now in the middle of history and most of us feel unsettled. Fear, anxiety and extreme worry are common feelings thrown about the world. As literary enthusiasts, reading and writing could be a good escape. Some of the great benefits, writing in these unusual times present is helping us to process our experiences, document our viewpoint as part of the larger history happening around us, and ultimately serve as a positive distraction in the midst of all the traumatic chaos COVID-19 has brought in its wake.
This is a call on literary enthusiasts to submit an entry for the ‘Living through COVID-19 Anthology’’.
The aim is to look for the human in the midst of this tragedy; to hear voices of fear, sorrow, hope and determination as people all over life through the spread of the coronavirus around the world. This is a collaborative work focusing solely on the human interest aspect in the midst of all the technicalities and regulations surrounding the COVID-19 in our various countries.
➢ Entries must be centred around the theme for the anthology: “Vulnerability, Hope and
Action in the Midst of a Global Health Pandemic’’
➢ Word count must be between 2000-4000 words
➢ Entries must be previously unpublished in print or electronically, including self-
published works (to include contributors’ websites)
➢ Submission must be sent as attachments (doc/Docx)
➢ There will be a contributor’s copy (epub/digital copy)
➢ Submission deadline: 31st August 2020
Email your entry to Dorcas Tiwaa Addai at [email protected], with a subject line of “Living through Covid19 Anthology’’. Please include your complete name (as you would like it to appear in the anthology).
ESTIMATED PUBLICATION DATE: September through October 2020