I know what you’re thinking! Illegal immigration? How the heck did she get in, with all the security cameras and immigration procedure.
Perhaps you are even asking yourself did she use a plane? A boat ? or did she drive there in an invisible car? Lol!
To give you some perspective:
Earlier this year around March, I applied for a UK Tourist visa from Accra, Ghana to visit a family friend of mine and reunite with one of my bestie who was also travelling with her mom to the UK for Easter from Lagos.
No, I am not Christian and yes I was going to celebrate Easter with my host family who of course celebrate it! I was already imagining the slice of garnished turkey, the salad and the mountain of #NigerianJollof rice I would be eating all day long.
However, the honourable consular who reserves the right to issue the visa denied the visa on the basis that he/she (I think it is a he..lol ) doesn’t believe that my financial statements submitted for the visa application does not adequately reflect the true financial situation being a legal business owner who pays taxes.
P.S: that experience taught me to start paying myself a salary (or at least show in the books that I receive a salary from my business account monthly) Thank you, consular,
However, the insult to the injury didn’t stop there, he further stated that he doesn’t believe that I intend to come back to Africa (Lol, I wonder what he was thinking! With Brexit and excessive taxation happening who wants to go to the UK and don’t come back? Or even that despite I just came back after 4 days from more prosperous countries, Lux*****rg were I fell in love with affluence in subtle display and the serenity that comes with it ) before the duration of my visa expired and for that reason, the visa was denied with no right of appeal.
As much as I was kind of confused with the reason for the denial, I laughed over it, learnt a good lesson from it and move on!
Here is how it happened (legally)

So just about the same time when it happened, I was listening to another episode of TravelLikeABoss Podcast by JohnnyFD where I learnt about the Nomad Cruise, a business conference at sea for location independent entrepreneurs, freelancers and remote workers from all over the world.
I registered and paid for the cruise and as part of the itinerary of our 13 days journey across the Atlantic from Barcelona, Spain to Recife, Brazil we will be visiting 3 other countries in between!
One of the ports of call will, of course, be United Kingdom overseas territory, Gilbartarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Best part was

I called the Counselor (on a dummy phone)to check in with how that visa scrutiny process lapse?
Yooo! You can tell me anything now: eeeniittt! I have been to the United Kingdom, in fact without a passport since no one checked my documents at the port and yes without a Visa!
The best part is I made some cool friends too

Got saluted by the Royal Guard
Had coffee by the governor’s home
And went to the Top of the famous Rock of Gibraltar and saw an aerial view of this entire tiny little peninsula!

I am out here! Thank you for coming to my TED Talk, next time any consular deny you of you a visa, learn a lesson but make sure you s**** them over by getting into their territory legally without it! (LOL not a piece of legal advice)

Love em consular, because next year I am gonna be invited to Buckingham Palace by the Queen herself (Speaking into existence)