Work With Me

Hello and thank you for stopping by my blog! I am sure that either curious or have something in kind for clicking this page.. I want to say that your smile is so beautiful I can feel it from here (lol) bdw did i tell you how gorgeous you are looking. Whether you are a brand, company, a fellow blogger,an alien or my future , I’m honored to gain your interest.

Hopefully from my About me page, you have gained an insight behind the personality behind this blog, and why I am so passionate about the continent of Africa and its opportunities for the youth, travelling the world and creating this digital nomad lifestyle.

As much as I love to tick off my bucket-list to go places, over time my travel is tittling more towards finding greater fulfillment in the human interactions I encounter along my journey. Over the past 18 months, I have started to design my travels to enable me to connect deeper with myself, the people, places and landscapes I visit. I seek to find surreality in solitude as much as I do in having people around me. Also, I am doing more to align my travels with my various work engagement and be productive at it while pursuing my passion for community empowerment and development anywhere I go

My writings aim at educating, inspiring, and empowering the everyday African to be slower at settling for the life they have now (if it is not what they love) and faster at learning a skill that can empower them to live to the fullest , travel the world and be limitless!

I started travelling 9 years ago, for the very first time for college. Subsequently, I have travelled for the most part to attend conferences, seminars, workshops or to volunteer with a local organization in a foreign country. I have worked in 3 countries mainly in West Africa and lived in 5. Now my travels are more purposely toward building my business, enhancing my knowledge, learning new skills, networking, living in new countries to experience new cultures and connecting deeper with people. I still go for summits and conference but this time not merely for the sake of it but with a plan in hand and with the mindset of taking massive action to achieve my personal, financial, health, spiritual and travel goals.

Together, through the content that I will be sharing, I know that we will grow a strong community of loyal readers who will be empowered and inspired to go out there and live their lives to the fullest. Readers who will fearlessly become whatever it is that they desire to become, while having the time and financial freedom to travel the world. And for that reason, I am incredibly committed to partnering with brands with similar values and goals.

While I’m open to hearing new and innovative ideas; below are just a few ideas on how we can work together:

Press Trip

Sponsored Post

African Travel Workshops

Freelance Writing

Digital Product Review

Travel Product Review

Affiliate Marketing

Brand Ambassadorship

Speaking Engagement at Events

Content Creation Partnership

Digital Business Consulting & Coaching

If you have any other ideas, feel free to send an email to to pitch your proposals as I am open to new ways of adding value to the community.
Merci, Gracias, Obrigada and Thanks again for dropping by. I cannot wait for us to work together hopefully! In the meantime, if you want to stay updated with my daily schenengis follow my journey on instagram let’s get interactive!!

Let’s Talk