The road less travel
The truth unravels
Amidst the noise
The voices unbundle
and the journey changes
from a sprint to a hurdle
as it shows off its ranges
and the ability to be capable
to be different as the pace
isn’t one that is deemed comparable
but neither is a race
only a mental one
full of distractions
as there isn’t a necessarily a loser
or an ability to have won
but rather engage with the interactions
that sooner than later manifests
manifest into a bond.
A bond that reaches the mind
through dreams
flown through the streams
and yes flying in the water
rather than swimming rather
cause these are the dreams
that reaches to the limits
the limits that are beneath
as it is a chance to be complete
to achieved what we believe
is our right to succeed
our right to breathe
Breathing in the clean air
fleeing into this stream fare
that isn’t a cost cause it is
uncomfortable but still in care
as we gazed upon the vanilla frost
on the ground as we enter the roads
the roads that are needed to be seen
The roads that are needed to be cross
fed to be tossed
large enough to voyage
but small enough to build courage
The vividness of this landscape
that the blue is carefully drape
reaching within self
as it blends with the white
to put the elements
of turquoise into its mix
as if there are these giant elephants
parading and spraying leftover colours
with an assortment of white
to add feelings to discover
feelings that resemble those of a lover
for our dreams can be
from the limelight to that of being undercover
waiting for the right moment to sneak
even if we are fatigued
and looking for a nap
but simply ending up sleep
for this journey less travelled
has only begun
there is more to this world
as we travel to unravel