From my previous article, you have understood what this digital nomad lifestyle that’s attracting millions of people all over the world is and why it should matter. You are ready to take the leap and start working online from anywhere in the world from your phone or laptop, but you are not quite sure how to make this happen and make it work.
If this is you, here are 7 steps to enabling you to become a digital nomad in 2020 and beyond.
Step 1: Define your why
Be crystal clear on why you want to become a digital nomad. Knowing you are why will keep you going when things are not so rosy and the journey gets rough. Ask yourself why do I want this flexibility and freedom? For how long do I want it? Be candid with yourself, are you simply tired of commuting to work every day and spending so much time in traffic? Maybe you simply need to move your apartment closer to your job. Do you hate your boss and simply want to quit your job? Maybe that’s not strong enough reason to go nomadic. Perhaps changing companies will make you happier. Or are you simply tired and burnout from overworking? If yes, maybe a vacation is what you need. I am just saying: you need to know what is the pain you are currently facing and be critical in analyzing if you want to be a location-independent employee or business owner.
It is good for you to know that not all roles/professions can enable you to work remotely and not everyone would love being a nomad in the long run and that’s okay. SO be sure that your reason is strong enough for you to commit to making a change into a digital nomad lifestyle.
Step 2: Learn a skill or refine your existing skills

You would not just begin travelling the world doing nothing for years to come unless you already are wealthy and have an investment that yields a stable flow of income: I cannot say much on this since I am yet to get to this stage
The reality for many of you out there who want to become digital nomads is that you will need an income to sustain your lifestyle and most importantly also an income that will help you build sustainable wealth. So if that’s the case be sure to check out this detailed article I wrote just for you to highlight the Top 21 skills that can enable you to work remotely from anywhere in the world.
You’d be surprised to realize that you may already even have the skill required or perhaps you can do so from your current job.
Step 3: Get a remote job, become a Freelancer or Ask your current employer to let you go remote
With the skills comes the next step to find a remote job or become a freelance offering your service in returns for enough monetary payment to launch your career as a digital nomad. If your goal is to have more flexibility to choose your schedule and workdays, perhaps you may even ask your current employer to increase the number of days you can work from home. You decide whatever works for you
Step 4: Book A Ticket to a different city or country
Here comes the exciting part. Feeding your thirst for adventure and discovery. If you are like me & other young people who desire this lifestyle; one of your reasons will be to travel and experience the world more than you actually can if you were working a regular 9-5. So what are you waiting for after you get a remote job or start freelancing and have 3 months living expenses saved? Book that ticket my friend and hump on the bus or the plane to go visit or live for a while in that destination of your dreams.
I wrote an article about 7 reasons you should not wait to get a lot of money to start travelling the world just in case that tiny voice in your head is telling you so. Read it to get inspired and be sure to share it with anyone you know it will add value to.
Step 5: Network, learn, relearn and master your crafts
As Jubril Agoro of Passport heavy says: where you start is not where you finish. That remote job or freelancing you begin with should not be where your digital nomad career starts and ends. You will need to upskill, learn new skills, master the ones you already have and network extensively to grow, sustain and become financially independent since we just don’t want to be broke a** location independent workers or entrepreneurs. So never stop learning online or offline: this lifestyle may get lonely at times so it’s essential to find, create your own or join existing communities of digital nomads around the world. (I will write an article specifically on this but for now, make sure you join ….. African Digital Nomads & WebWork Travel community )
Step 6: Start a remote business
Starting a remote business a.k.a transitioning into digital entrepreneurship is no joke at all this needs to be taken seriously just like starting a physical business.
So whether you are going to offer a service, build an app, build on online marketplace or store, sell a product online (digital or physical product) you will need to acquire the skills and or high professionals for your business to handle the different aspect ranging from law, tax, business modelling and design, Negotiations, SEO, SEM, Digital Marketing, Operations, Branding, Client relationship management among others. You can easily outsource some services whilst others you will need to learn or attract a co-founder to run the business with you. The key here is building something that is automated for the most part and can run independently of your geographical location and personal involvements day today. You will have to learn to work with remote teams, manage conflict, build a healthy organizational culture and expand the impact of your work.
Some of you may jump straight from acquiring a skill to launching your own remote business! That’s great. Whilst others will work remotely for other firms then transition into owning their own business! That is equally great. Everyone’s path is different: so focus on yourself and commit to growth.
Step 7: Enjoy your life

Lol! Amidst trying to make this digital nomad lifestyle work, you can easily get dragged back towards the lifestyle you dreaded that made you make the change: so relax my friend, have fun, enjoy the process of becoming not only the location but also financially independent.
While many nomads after years of travelling settle down to have a regular life while growing their remote business; it is okay! The goal is to have a choice of living wherever you choose without worrying about it affecting your income and career progression. The goal is to have a life of freedom, where you define what work you do, how you do it, for whom and how much you get paid for it.
You can decide to go back home to your city or country and settle down for a while; you can decide to settle in a country you visit and love very much, and still have the choice to move across the Atlantic to live on a different continent alone or with your family for however long you want! That’s what this lifestyle is about! FREEDOM OF CHOICE
And last but not the least
Step 8: Build sustainable wealth, Invest, Diversify and Give Back to the causes you care the most about.
I hope this helps you as you navigate your journey as a digital nomad and building the life of your dreams.
If you found this helpful, don’t read alone, be sure to share with others whom this may add value to as well.
Do you have any questions regarding Remote work / Digital nomad lifestyle? Feel free to send them to [email protected] or Slide into our DM on Instagram and drop a message.